Presented by...
Ashley DeBoard
Your Neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer

Join Us for Cookies!
Treats, Toys, & Trusts: A Holiday Cookie Exchange, Toy Drive, & Estate Planning Educational Event
Give your family the most valuable gift of protection and care. Join us for a holiday cookie exchange, toy drive, cozy drinks, and a brief estate planning educational presentation.
Learn about the essential legal planning needed to protect your family if the unthinkable should happen. Gain an understanding of the differences between wills and trusts and how your family can avoid a court process if you become incapacitated or when you die. Identify your best next steps for getting a comprehensive estate plan in place that preserves not just your family's financial resources, but also a true legacy for your loved ones.
Those wishing to participate in a cookie exchange should bring 3 dozen of one cookie/treat type and a copy of the recipe to share. All attendees will receive a ticket for our raffle prizes. We will also be a site for holiday toy donations. All attendees who bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate will receive additional entries into our raffle drawings.
Seating is Limited - RSVP is required
The Aspen Room
2223 E. 7th Avenue C
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Tuesday, December 6, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Complete The Form below to secure your spot
FREE BONUS: Digital Copy of The Best-Selling Book on Legal Planning for Parents, Wear Clean Underwear

Join Us for Cookies!
Treats, Toys, & Trusts: A Holiday Cookie Exchange, Toy Drive, & Estate Planning Educational Event
Give your family the most valuable gift of protection and care. Join us for a holiday cookie exchange, toy drive, cozy drinks, and a brief estate planning educational presentation.
Learn about the essential legal planning needed to protect your family if the unthinkable should happen. Gain an understanding of the differences between wills and trusts and how your family can avoid a court process if you become incapacitated or when you die. Identify your best next steps for getting a comprehensive estate plan in place that preserves not just your family's financial resources, but also a true legacy for your loved ones.
Those wishing to participate in a cookie exchange should bring 3 dozen of one cookie/treat type and a copy of the recipe to share. All attendees will receive a ticket for our raffle prizes. We will also be a site for holiday toy donations. All attendees who bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate will receive additional entries into our raffle drawings.
Seating is Limited - RSVP is required
The Aspen Room
2223 E. 7th Avenue C
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Tuesday, December 6, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Complete The Form below to secure your spot
FREE BONUS: Digital Copy of The Best-Selling Book on Legal Planning for Parents, Wear Clean Underwear
Got questions about estate planning for your family?
Join Us!
What You'll Learn
Will trust or ?
What do you really need to keep your family out of court and out of conflict when something happens to you? We'll cover all of it in detail, including the 3 biggest fears most people have when it comes to estate planning.
Don't fail your loved ones
Even if you've created a plan, it may not work when your family needs it. See exactly why most plans fail and how you can put in place a plan for peace. Because your family deserves it.
what it costs
Most people wonder what estate planning should cost and whether they even need one. We'll guide you to know what it should cost, and also describe our estate planning process so you know your options.
Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free. We encourage you to stay until the end to hear about the solutions we offer to protect your loved ones if and when something should happen to you.
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